Subsidies & Investing in Tomorrow

Extensive Assistance Menu <Incentives>

Subsidy for Firm Location

1 Facility AssistanceSubsidies up to JPY 1 billion


of facilities investment

•Local small- and medium- sized enterprises

of facilities investment


of the annual rent for buildings, land, and facilities (for the first year)

2 Employment AssistanceNo upper limit for the subsidy

•For new permanent employment

JPY300,000per person

•For new part-time employment

JPY150,000per person

Focusing on the relocation and expansion of headquarter functions and the integration of production bases within the city. The special subsidies are available for 3 years starting from April 2016

1 Facility AssistanceSubsidies up to JPY 500 million

 The relocation or the expansion of major corporate headquarter functions,as well as construction companies' office spaces to which corporate headquarter functions are able to relocate to up to 33% of the amount of facilities investment will be subsidized subject to the number of new employees.

up to 33%
of facilities investment amount

 Relocating and expanding corporate headquarter functions, as well as reorganizing local factories into the so-called "mother plants" and integrating production bases, etc.


of facilities investment amount

•Local small- and medium- sized enterprises

of facilities investment amount

2 Employment AssistanceNo upper limit for the subsidy

•For new permanent employment
(regular employees)

JPY500,000per person

•For new permanent employment

JPY300,000per person

•For new part-time employment

JPY150,000per person

Office Location Reinforcement Subsidy

 Companies setting up new business in office buildings in Kitakyushu (Businesses located outside the city setting up new offices (or expanding), or businesses located within the city establishing new offices in addition to existing offices)

1 Rental Fee AssistanceSubsidies up to JPY 15 million
(If three-year employment plan after the establishment of new business or facility is over 100 people, the subsidy shall increase to JPY 150 million.)

of annual rent of buildings (three years)

2 Employment AssistanceNo upper limit for the subsidy

(For eligible, new regular employees in the three years after establishment of new business or facility)

* Limited to net increase in the number of employees each year.

•For new permanent employment

JPY300,000per person

•For part-time employees

JPY150,000per person

Financing to Promote Firm Location

Contents of financing
1 Target costs
Company contributions for land costs, construction costs for factories and offices (including machinery equipment), construction costs for industrial water supply, construction costs for special high-voltage power supply lines
2 Repayment period
Within 10 years (includes deferment within two years)
3 Maximum credit limit
Up to JPY 1 billion per company and 80% or under of the target cost
4 Lending rate

1.45% annually*Rates may fluctuate.

 In addition to the support system of the City of Kitakyushu, companies may be eligible for "three-layered assistance" by combining support systems of the national government and Fukuoka Prefecture.

  • Requirements in target industries must be met in order to take advantage of these subsidies.
  • Business plans must be submitted prior to the start of business in order to take advantage of these subsidies.