Why KKJ?
Premier City for BCP
(Business Continuity Planning)

Safeguard your business success in KKJ

 KKJ is the ultimate choice for companies seeking to maintain continuity and operational stability in the wake of an unplanned event or natural disaster.

Low-risk area for major earthquakes

 While Japan is one of the most earthquake-prone countries in the world, KKJ stands out as a low-risk area for major earthquakes. Over the past century, KKJ has recorded only three earthquakes with an intensity of 4 or higher, far fewer than the number in Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka.

Earthquakes with seismic intensity of 4 or higher
(over the past 100 years)

bar chart

 Located a distance away from the tectonic plate boundary of the Nankai Trough, KKJ faces minimal risk of a large-scale disaster occurring even in the event of an earthquake.


*Source: National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience

Low-risk area for tsunamis

 KKJ is also at low risk from tsunamis.

 Major tsunamis in Japan and surrounding waters (684 to present)


*Source: Central Disaster Prevention Council. Nihon Tsunami Higai Soran (1998) ‘Investigation meeting regarding evacuation after disaster’.